At Jamestown, we think it is important to supply a product that meets our customer’s needs exactly. Therefore, we supply rolled steel joists not only in standard sizes but also in sizes specially fabricated for each project.
Standard Sizes
Naturally, in addition to custom-made rolled steel joists, we can supply RSJs in all the standard sizes common to the industry; from 127 millimetres high by 76 millimetres wide, weighing 13 kilograms per metre, to large beam sizes upwards of 200 millimetres across, and with mass of more than 20 kilograms per metre.
Custom Made RSJ Sizes
We regularly produce RSJ beams to our customers’ specifications, in quantities from one-off jobs to large production runs. In the years that we have been part of the steel fabrication industry, we have grown our business by understanding our customers’ needs and working closely with them to ensure satisfaction.
Quality and Safety
At our modern production facility, we use the most up-to-date equipment to ensure that our rolled steel joists are produced with consistent quality and precise specifications. As with all our products, we pay the closest possible attention to staff training and to safety standards.
The Right Product at the Right Time
In addition to ensuring that our rolled steel joists are of the highest quality and made to the precise specification required for each order, we understand the importance of adhering closely to deadlines. Our customers can have confidence that the Jamestown input to their construction will tie in seamlessly to the project timeline.